Friday, May 31, 2013

How To Create A Powerful Vision For Your Success

Hey Everyone! I found this article about creating a powerful vision for success and thought it would be a great topic to discuss here!

How To Create A Powerful Vision For Your Success

Envision something you have always wanted to do. Go on, take your time. Let yourself go. Is it Snowboarding in the Swiss Alps? Finishing your education? Making a million dollars? Starting your own business? Whatever it is, you can accomplish it, and this can be achieved by first envisioning your dream to be real.  

By creating a vision, you can reach far beyond your material existence, get out of your comfort zone, and imaginatively extend yourself beyond what previously seemed impossible. By going deeper, and understanding yourself better, you create a better balance. The heart and soul are enhanced and you then become more focused on the positive. Most people are focused on what they believe they “can’t” do, and not on what they “can” do. Fear is the paralysis and usually the culprit, and creating a vision can help you overcome this.
Great visionaries like Walt Disney emphasized “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Goethe stated, “whatever you are able to do or dream you can initiate it. Boldness has magic, genius, and strength. Start now!” Michelangelo said, “The biggest threat for many of us is not that our goals are too high and we might miss them, but they are too low and we may reach them.” The list of words of wisdom can go on infinitely. There has been great minds throughout the centuries that have learned the secret of seeing the invisible and creating a vision. In fact, it would be impossible for them to achieve their dreams without envisioning them first.

What is a vision for success?

- A vision is something like a mirage in the mind. A state you want manifested into your outer world.
- The idea becomes a conviction after your “will” joins in to support the idea.
- Fine tuning and expounding the concept with the will and intentions to achieve the perceived idea are what creates the vision.
The vision is the expression of a much wished for future, that is better than what exists now or of what is projected to subsist in the future.

Why Develop a Vision?

- Every decision and choice we make has consequences. Without a clear vision, we fall short of having the quality of life we desire.
- Our visions must be strong and steady in order to manifest what we truly desire. Weak visions lead to an imbalanced life.
- Visions not based on our “inner self” are not satisfying and empowering.
- Clear vision leads to fulfillment, purpose, and brings meaning into our lives.
- An unclear vision leads to vulnerability to “whatever” happens, staying true to your vision will make things happen better than you ever thought possible.

Expanding Your Vision

The initial step of a vision becoming a reality is well, by envisioning. In other words, the focus of your vision has no apparent reality on the material plane. Some people call this faith. Not creating a vision is like walking around with your eyes closed, except in the invisible realm your “inner eye” is shut. You cannot go anywhere if you have no place to go to. You must see yourself going somewhere in order to get there! In effect, seeing something in the invisible as “real” manifests the energy in your outer world to eradicate the obstacles that would prevent you from realizing your vision. However, be forewarned. Negative visions can manifest negative results as well. People who are always “envisioning or saving for a rainy day,” eventually have one. “When it rains it pours” is usually the battle cry when misfortune manifests.
If you expand your vision and connect deeply within your inner needs, with the Soul, you will eventually discover an ability to fuse and display visionary creativity. You will become more powerful and charismatic as well. Your relationships will become more sincere, authentic, and energized. Think about it, what do you believe you could accomplish if you perceive it in the invisible, thereby, manifesting the so-called impossible?
A number of highly successful people have claimed to have made a vision board and have recognized it is an important tool for their success. A vision board is usually designed with a big sheet of cardboard that has a collage of different pictures and notes of wants, needs and dreams you wish to fulfill and is usually hung up on your bedroom wall as a reminder of the possibilities that are out there and is also a great visual aid for envisioning your hopes and dreams. This is a great way to reinforce the vision and direction in your mind so that you can be more sure of reaching your dreams.
Cut out a picture of your favorite car, your dream holiday destination, your company logo, a picture of some money etc… and add that to your vision board. Make it appealing as possible so that you will be inspired when looking at it every morning and evening.
I have one myself and find that a vision board has been my savior when I lose sight of my dreams and has been a great inspiration for me when I forget how good things can be in life if I just hang in there.
I have my moments of low motivation also, believe it or not, and nothing is wrong with that, sometimes our body is trying to tell us to slow down and balance out a little, but when it is time to perform you have to really have a strong reason behind WHY you must succeed in what you are doing, that will be the key to finding your motivation.
Write it down and create an eye pleasing visual of the reason why you must succeed, and make it a MUST, not a should or a maybe.

Create a Vision: Start by Dreaming

Creating A Vision For Success- Think about who will participate in the vision.
- Suggest, dream, and envisage.
- Concentrate on positive things. Things that create a sense-of-purpose and meaning to life.
- Do not limit your vision to appearances. Visions go beyond what is in front of you and reaches beyond the three-dimensional world.
- Visions are not limited by needs, but the needs are determined by the vision.

The Power of the Mind and The Placebo Effect

Without a doubt, many of you have heard of the placebo effect. A substance or some other treatment is given to a person that looks like standard medicine, but it is not. It is really a fake identical looking substance that is not a medicine. The person receiving the placebo is not aware whether the treatment is genuine or not.
Although placebos are not actually reacting to the ailment, one out of three individuals claims to have a reaction to the fake medicine. When a person’s symptoms change due to this “fake remedy,” it is called the “Placebo Effect.” However, sometimes the effect can go in the opposite direction and patients believe that the “fake medicine” is causing disagreeable or worse symptoms. This is known as the “Nacebo Effect“.
What it all boils down to is the power of the mind to heal or destroy through the power of imagination. The NCCAM, National-Center-for-Complementary-and-Alternative-Medicine, a branch of the National Institute of Health states yes, “there is significant proof,” that the mind can have a positive influence on mental functioning and quality of life.”
Carl T. Javert, a holistic doctor now deceased, believed that illnesses were frequently psychosomatically brought about by emotional stress. He assisted women during pregnancy to supervise their problems and difficulties in order to prevent miscarriages and other impediments. With the placebo effect, an individual experiences what they “expect to happen.” If the expectation is to feel better or worse, either could occur. The placebo in itself had nothing to do with the effects directly. However, the person’s “belief” helped to change the outcome.
Imagine harnessing that tremendous power of the mind and envisioning an outcome so strongly that it transcends your material surroundings. A very famous actor did just that. He did not have much, but plenty of talent and faith, before experiencing a very successful acting career. He wrote himself a check for $10,000,000 and post-dated it for 10 years later, hoping he would be able to eventually cash it. That actor is Jim Carrey, one of the most famous comedic actors in the world!

The Power of a Vision

The power of a vision permits us to see beyond our present condition. The power to visualize was given to us for a reason. We are able to manifest our miniature worlds within the colossal world we call earth. Through vision we can dream, create, and manifest what does not yet exist. However, the vision must hold steady to the true and the good. If we want positive results, we must hold true to a positive outcome. The vision must be powerful enough to create a conviction so strong within, that it cannot be shattered regardless of appearances.
Some would say vision is nothing but good ole’ faith under a pseudo name, and this might be true. If one wants to call it faith by all means, do so. Whatever works is fine. Think of your vision in the same way as a diet. In order for your diet to work, you must stick with it. You must think about how much better you will feel and look by staying with that diet, this is the exact same way the “power of vision works.” It works through determination, commitment, and faith.
By Joel on April 29, 2013

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